Wood destroying insect reports are generated during a home inspection while looking for insects such as termites, powder-post beetles, carpenter bees, and/or carpenter ants.
These destructive little creatures can take over unnoticed and take a bite out of your home (and your wallet) without you even knowing it! That’s why we have affiliated with some of the best pest control companies in the industry and we always recommend that you get a termite inspection prior to purchasing your home to determine if the house has signs of previous or present wood destroying insect activity.
Termites and other wood destroying insects can be very hard to spot. You might not be able to see their handiwork until they’ve caused a lot of damage and even spread to multiple locations on your property. Insects such as termites and powder-post beetles do leave a few clues to their presence, though. Each of these creatures will leave distinct tell-tale signs of their intrusion into a structure.
For example:
Termite swarms are a common occurrence in Southeast Louisiana. Swarms usually happen in the spring, when some of the termites take flight from the colony in an effort to establish a new colony. Homeowners will often find the bodies and/or wings of dead termites lying on window sills and floors inside the home. Evidence of termites can also be found in the form of mud tunnels, hollowed/damaged wood framing and trees, or by simply pulling back mulch around suspicious areas of the home's foundation.
Powder-post beetle damage to wood will show multiple tiny holes, about 1/8" in diameter, leaving the outermost surface of the wood otherwise intact. The older the powder-post beetle damage is, the deeper into the wood the damage will usually extend. You can typically identify activity by looking for the presence of a fine wood powder-like substance (commonly referred to as "frass") around the insect exit holes or on the ground below the damaged wood as indications of recent insect activity.
360 Home Inspection Services will gladly schedule your termite inspection upon request at the same time that we are conducting your home inspection, so you don't have to worry about doing it yourself.